Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pony in a Corral

Morning walk at Cadman Plaza.


Keeping my head up said...

Dori, so happy to find your blog. I just heard from Rasha Sage and DeMarco! How are you and Reyk? I have a Facebook page Idlewild Great Danes. Would love to hAve you as part of it. Hope all is well! Yours, pam foster

Keeping my head up said...

Dori, so happy to find your blog. I just heard from Rasha Sage and DeMarco! How are you and Reyk? I have a Facebook page Idlewild Great Danes. Would love to hAve you as part of it. Hope all is well! Yours, pam foster

World of Animals, Inc said...

Hey Dori, we are very happy to meet you. Looks like a beautiful day to take a wonderful walk at the plaza. Thanks for sharing the great photo. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals