Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mini Coopers

Shopping for a car for Alexander Reykjavik. Living in Williamsburg, we are finding it hard to get AR anywhere unless we hire a pet taxi for 50-100 per trip. The cost and the having to reserve days ahead of time makes it a bad option for us. We are excited to take him to Prospect Park, Central Park, the beach, etc., so even though I have thoroughly enjoyed not having a car in New York City, it seems a necessity now.

We have settled on a Mini Cooper convertible, which are small, nimble, and have virtually no backseat leg room. Its the perfect small car for a Great Dane.
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1 comment:

Doug Swalina said...

EXCELLENT CHOICE! Our two Danes love riding in our Mini Cooper convertible. You can see Tank and Diesel on Youtube or on Tank GreatDane's Facebook page.